Badminton Coach
- Type: Full Time
- Location: Calgary, AB
- Employer Type: Business
- Wage ($/hr): $35.50/hr
- Published on: 2024-12-16
- Application Deadline: 2025-06-17
- Job ID: 650460124
- Job Category: Other
Sunridge Badminton Centre
Job Description
Carry out management duties;
Coordinate competitive programs;
Develop well planned competitive schedules and programs;
Plan, develop and implement training and practice sessions;
Motivate and prepare athletes or teams for competitive events or games;
Participate in coaching clinic instruction;
Analyze and evaluate athletes’ or team’s performance;
Observe and evaluate prospective athletes’ skills and performance;
Required languages: English
Education level: Secondary School Graduation Certificate
Required skills: International competition experience required; 5 years of teaching experience required.
Additional skills / Assets: Efficient interpersonal skills; Interpersonal awareness; Flexibility; Initiative; Judgement; Organized; Reliability; Team Player; Training Player; Sparring Player; Values and ethics.
Closest intersection: 33 St NE & 5 Ave NE